community cambodia

Planning Community Center

Voor de voortgang van ons te realiseren Community Center, hebben we in Cambodja met onze medewerkers en de commune een samenvatting van de planning gemaakt. De vertaling is door de lokale mensen gedaan, waardoor het zeer letterlijk te lezen is. We hebben het zo origineel gehouden, want dit is de manier van de plaatselijke bevolking om dit uit te leggen. Erg charmant!

Planning Community Center

Date: 1st June 2015 Meeting venue: Khna Po commune Office
All members commune councill were very appreciated to have this project of Building Community Center in their commune of Khna.
The meeting decide to build community center in front of Khna Po Health Center, in Boss village, Khna Po commune, Sotrnkum district, SiemReap province. So the meeting decide to name “ Phteah Sahakum Khna Po “ and in English is Khna Po Community House” or “ Community Center”.
shelter home
-Waiting house for pre-delivery and post delivery of women pregnent -Shelter home mother and children -Orphans, old people, disabled, (HIV and or other diseases who cannot stay at
Health Care). -Student/teacher who come from far away from Boss secondary school to stay whithin their teaching (reduce their diffeculty) -Is a place for everyone who travel accrosse, then can stay for a while if they do not have house in this area. -For Medical Volunteer and Education Volunteer to stay within their volunter with CDO -Is a meeting place for Village Health Support Group (VHSG), Commune Council, CDO Meeting room, and other meeting may needed in community.
CDO proposed Commune Council submits as soon as possible of the letter request.
They expressed to say thank you very much to CDO, and they commited to support this project.
o Mr. Sou Chhoeum, Commune Chief o Mr. Tab Kung, First vice Commune Chief o Mr. Chuon Hoeur, Second vice Commune Chief o Ms.LousThom,TecherrepresentativeforBossSecondarySchool

Ook hebben we al een billboard laten maken en wordt zodra het klaar is geplaatst op de plaats waar we willen gaan bouwen.


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