About Us

Objectives & Actions


Cambodia-Dutch Foundation was established on 6 June 2008. It is a Dutch non-profit organization that cooperates with Cambodia-Dutch Organization (CDO) in Cambodia. CDO supports the Cambodian people on site in various projects. We focus primarily on the people who live in the countryside and below the poverty line.
The main objective of Cambodia-Dutch Foundation is to raise funds and donors for education, water and sanitation, healthcare and employment. The long-term goal is to ensure the people become self-reliant and are no longer completely depending on outside help.

Hoofddoel van Stichting Cambodia-Dutch is het werven van fondsen en donateurs ten behoeve van onderwijs, water en sanitaire voorzieningen, gezondheidszorg en werkgelegenheid. Einddoel op langere termijn is ervoor te zorgen dat de bevolking zelfredzaam wordt en niet meer helemaal afhankelijk is van hulp van buitenaf .

How it started

Jan Camp sold his company in the Netherlands, traveled through Asia and ended up in Cambodia in 2004. There he came in contact with the Baca family, with whom he became so connected, that he decided to make an effort to improve their living conditions. Jan still lives and works there and works through Cambodia Dutch Organization to support the poorest, create jobs, provide education and provide medical care. His sister Rita Camp is the driving force behind the Dutch department: Stichting Cambodia-Dutch.

Jan Camp managed to create employment for the family members by opening a guesthouse with a restaurant in the tourist center of Siem Reap, under the name “Baca Villa”. This company ran very successfully for a number of years. Volunteers from the first hour and other guests stayed there to their full satisfaction. When the building needed such a major renovation that the work was no longer worthwhile, Jan and the family moved to a house with a large garden on the outskirts of Siem Reap. Here Jan started experimenting in 2012 with the breeding of crickets (a popular dish in restaurants there) and he started with the first moringa trees in pots. The latter project proved extremely successful. Jan has since moved, he has built a large moringa plant and he now has 50 employees. Read more about the Moringa project here.


Giving English lessons and providing information on healthcare, by local teachers in collaboration with volunteers.

Water & Sanitation

Installing, maintaining and repairing water pumps, the construction of hygienic toilets and the provision of water filters.


Supporting the staff in the medical post, providing necessary information and ensuring better medical care in the region.

Employment opportunities

Stimulating self-reliance of the Cambodian people, by creating employment through projects with moringa and sewing schools.

What else do we do?

We collect goods such as clothing, tools, toys, books and household items that we sell in our Shop Cambodia. The shop in Eindhoven is open every Wednesday and Saturday from 11 am to 4 pm for the sale of these second-hand items. We also sell fair trade items from Cambodia. Our volunteers in Eindhoven always come up with fun promotions such as oliebollen baking, a Cambodian 4-course dinner or a flower promotion.

Our foundation