Stichting Cambodia-Dutch was established on June 6, 2008. It is a Dutch non-profit organization that cooperates with Cambodia-Dutch Organization (CDO) in Cambodia. CDO supports the Cambodian population with various projects. We mainly focus on rural residents who live below the poverty line.
The main goal of Stichting Cambodia-Dutch Foundation is to raise funds and donors, so that we can realize projects in the field of education, water and sanitation, health care and employment. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that the population becomes self-reliant and is no longer completely dependent on outside help.
Selling ??goods in our store
The volunteers in the Netherlands take care of collecting clothes, tools and toys. We sell these together with fair trade items in our store Shop Cambodja and on markets. The address of our store is Floralaan Oost 162 in Eindhoven. Our store is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Correspondence Address:
Stichting Cambodia-Dutch
Strobloemstraat 17
5643JW Eindhoven (NL)
PHONE NUMBER: +31 (0)6 51105340
ANBI : 8195 41 552 | KvK : 17227679 | RSIN/Fiscaal nummer: 819541552
Rekening : 56 24 08 525 | IBAN: NL04ABNA0562408525
BIC / Swiftcode : ABNANL2A | Bank : ABN-AMRO | Filiaal / Department : Eindhoven
You can also use Paypal. Click on the logo and go directly to our account.